
  • What Size do 2 Years Olds Wear in Shoes?

    What Size do 2 Years Olds Wear in Shoes?

    Has your little one stepped into the second year of their exciting life on this planet? Then they must be toddling around in a curious mood and exploring everything around them, on those adorable little feet! And that means they need comfy, supportive, and protective shoes. But what size do 2 year olds wear in shoes? Well, it can vary from one brand to another. This means, you first need to take accurate measurements of their feet and then check brand-specific sizing guides to select the size that matches the length of those tootsies in inches or cm.

    Read on to know how to measure your child’s feet and what other things to keep in mind before choosing shoes that promote proper growth and development.

    How to Measure Your Little One’s Feet

    You can simply take a large and white sheet of paper and ask your munchkin to stand on it straight before tracing the outline of their feet with a pencil. This way, you can fix mistakes even if the line goes awry. Then measure the length of the tracing with a measuring tape and jot down the numbers in inches and cm both. Another option is to take your child to a podiatrist as they will have the right equipment to take precise measurements. Remember to add around 1.3 cm or half an inch to the actual length of the feet before buying kids’ shoes, as those cute tootsies need room to grow.

    Then consult the sizing chart of the footwear brand you like and see which size corresponds to the length of your child’s feet. Wondering what size do 2 year olds wear in shoes when it comes to the Jack & Lily range? The ideal size is 5.5 in canvas kicks or slip-ons. It complements the age range of 1.5 to 2.5 years and foot length of 12.5 cm or 4.9 inches. In case of T-straps, boots, or sneakers, you will find the size mentioned as the age range. So, you can go for 18-24 months or 24-30 months.

    Things to Consider Before Buying the Perfect Kids’ Shoes

    Knowing what size do 2 year olds wear in shoes is not enough to pick the right pair. You must also take the following pointers into account, so your child can move around easily, happily, and safely.  

    • Buy with the Bigger Foot in Mind: Kids’ feet aren’t exactly the same in size, which means one is likely to be slightly bigger than the other. So, make sure the pair you purchase fits the bigger foot comfortably.
    • Don’t Go Too Tight or Too Loose: The best way to ensure the shoes aren’t too tight or loose is to ask your child to put them on and walk around. If they are wincing with each step or the shoes are digging into their skin, they are extra tight. If they are dragging along their feet or seem scared of tripping, the shoes are too big.
    • Ensure Ample Flexibility: Kids’ shoes should support their natural movement, so that those cute feet grow like they are meant to. So, try bending the pair to test their flexibility. If they bend almost halfway, they are flexible enough.
    • Check for Space around Toes: Buy shoes that have a wide toe box and are not pointy or tapered towards the front. There should also be a gap of around 1.5 cm between the front of the shoe and your baby’s longest toe. This will allow your munchkin to wiggle those tiny toes and grow smoothly.
    • Test the Backs of Shoes: Ideally, the back of the heels shouldn’t be too hard or soft. The right amount of firmness is necessary for your child’s ankles and heels to develop and become strong. To test the same, pinch the back of the shoes. If it doesn’t give in at all, the backs are too tough. If it collapses completely, the backs are too soft. Go for a pair where the backs don’t completely lose form but give in just a little.   
    • Examine the Safety of Outer Soles: Kids’ shoes should ideally have outer soles that are firm and provide adequate friction. This will prevent accidents from slipping or skidding on wet streets or extra smooth surfaces.
    • Avoid Heavy Shoes: Moving around in a heavy pair can be painful and uncomfortable for your little one, even if the size is right. So, select lightweight shoes that allow them to walk, hop, and run freely.
    • Pick Shoes with Closures: Your baby’s feet will change constantly over the coming days, so it’s best to go for shoes that can be adjusted accordingly. Consider pairs that feature laces, buttons, or Velcro straps for this. Such shoes can also teach your child independence as they learn to take off the pair and put them back on without your help.
    • Don’t Trust Morning Try-Outs: Your child’s feet usually swell later in the day after they have been active for hours. So, don’t let them try on the new shoes in the morning. It should be done later in the day, so you know for sure if the fit is perfect.
    • Settle for Shoes that Fit Right Away: Kids’ shoes that don’t fit right the first time should be returned. Don’t wait for your child to break into them gradually over days or weeks, as it can be super uncomfortable, painful, and harm development.

    Start Shopping for the Right Shoes for Your 2 Year Old

    Now that you know what size do 2 year olds wear in shoes and how to ensure the perfect fit, go online and start shopping. You can also visit a podiatrist first, so they can recommend which styles might be apt for the proper development of your child’s feet. And remember that while it is easy to lose yourself in the vast array of colors and patterns available in kids’ shoes, your primary focus should be on support, functionality, comfort, and durability.

    So, are you ready to explore adorable options for your toddler now? Take a look at what Jack & Lily has to offer. If you need specific guidance or advice, feel free to contact the professionals here too.

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  • What is Size 3 in Shoes Baby?

    What is Size 3 in Shoes Baby?

    Understanding sizes and what they mean is crucial when shopping for those cute little baby shoes. And you must remember that sizing varies across different brands. So, it is always a better idea to measure your little one’s feet accurately and then pick a shoe size that corresponds with the same rather than simply picking a pair based on their age or the size that other similar kids are wearing. For example, if you are wondering what is size 3 in shoes for baby, depending on the footwear brand, it can fit babies between 6 and 9 months or those between 12 and 18 months. Yes, the difference can be that great!

    So, let’s see how you can measure your munchkin’s feet right and then choose shoes that don’t just fit right but are also supportive and comfy.

    Measuring Your Child’s Feet

    A common way to measure those teeny tootsies is by asking your child to stand on a large piece of paper and then tracing the outline of their feet. You can then take a measuring tape and note down the length in terms of inches and cm. In case you are not sure about the accuracy of this method, taking your child to a podiatrist can help. They will have the right equipment to do the needful. You should also add half an inch or about 1.3 cm to the actual length of the feet before picking shoes. This will allow your baby’s feet to grow properly.

    Next, instead of just focusing on what is size 3 in shoes for baby, check the brand’s sizing chart and zero in on the number that complements the measurements you have jotted down. For instance, as per Jack & Lily’s sizing guide for slip-ons and canvas kicks, the smallest size is 4, meant for babies between 6 and 12 months. It corresponds to a length of 11.5 cm or 4.5 inches. Smaller sizes are available for babies under 6 months in categories like t-straps, sneakers, and boots.

    Tips to Choose the Best-Fitting Baby Shoes

    The fact that you are wondering what is size 3 in shoes for baby means your little one is still quite young and has probably started walking recently. So, they need a pair that is not just the right size but also conducive to the proper development of their feet. In other words, you need to be mindful of the following when shopping for their shoes:

    • Check Flexibility: You should be able to bend the shoes almost halfway, as this indicates they will support your child’s natural movements. A rigid pair can not only hurt those tiny feet, but also hamper natural growth.
    • Ensure Supportive Backs: The back of the shoes or the part behind the heels should be neither too stiff nor too soft. After all, your baby’s ankles and heels need adequate support to become strong. So, pinch the back of the heels and if it collapses, the shoes are too soft. If it doesn’t give in at all, the shoes are too stiff. Pick those where the backs give in a little but don’t lose form completely.   
    • Opt for a Roomy Toe Box: There should be a gap of 1 to 1.5 cm between your child’s longest toe and the front of the shoe. The toe box should be wide and spacious enough instead of tapered or pointy. This will allow your baby to wiggle those adorable toes easily.
    • Avoid Extra Tight or Extra Loose Shoes: Baby shoes that are too tight can hurt your little one’s feet and cause redness, calluses, blisters, etc. They can inhibit growth too. Loose shoes, on the other hand, can lead to tripping and accidents. So, avoid both.
    • Consider the Bigger Foot While Picking a Size: Usually, the feet of a baby are not exactly the same in terms of length or width. So, keep the measurements of the bigger foot in mind when picking a shoe size.
    • Go for Adjustable Pairs: Consider shoes that come with Velcro straps, buttons, or laces, so you can adjust the fit as your child’s feet keep changing over the coming days. In case of buttons or Velcro, your baby will soon get used to taking off and putting on the shoes on their own too.
    • Choose Lightweight Shoes: Heavy shoes can make it difficult for your tiny explorer to move around freely or hurt their feet even if the fit or size is just right. So, opt for lightweight yet durable styles.
    • Assess Outer Soles: The outer soles of the baby shoes you pick must be robust and have ample grip or friction. This will prevent slipping or skidding, especially on smooth or wet surfaces.
    • Avoid Shoes that Require Break-In: If the pair you buy for your baby don’t fit right straightaway, return them and get another pair. Don’t wait for your child to get used to the shoes or break into them after being uncomfortable for days. It can hurt their development and motor skills.
    • Try on the Shoes Later in the Day: Avoid checking the fit in the morning as feet tend to swell or change shape later in the day after hours of activity. Let your baby try them on in the afternoon or evening, so you can be sure about the fit.

    Get Ready to Buy the Perfectly-Sized Shoes for Your Little One

    So, asking what is size 3 in shoes for baby is not enough when you are planning to buy a well-fitting, comfy, and supportive pair. You must take accurate measurements, check the brand-specific sizing chart, and keep the above tips in mind to make an informed decision. It is also a good idea to consult a podiatrist beforehand, since every child is different, has varied needs, and grows differently. An expert will be able to make suitable recommendations and help you choose the perfect pair.

    If you are already done with the legwork and can’t wait to start shopping, check out the adorable collection of children’s shoes at Jack & Lily. You can also get in touch with the professionals here if you need more guidance.

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